World Book Day Gallery

5th March 2018

World Book Day 2018

Thursday 1st March was World Book Day. BMIS celebrated this with a  whole day of events related to books, authors and characters.

We started the day with an exciting celebration of every class, with the children parading their incredible costumes and telling us who they had come dressed up as. Some of the children had props for their characters, and some even remembered to bring a copy of their book with them to share with us all.

After the parade, the children returned to their classrooms to enjoy some fun activities with their own teachers. The activities ranged from retelling stories to writing their own books to designing a new pair of socks for Pippi Longstocking- the children had a wonderful time!

At break time and lunch time, the children were able to rest in the shade of the mango tree on big, comfy cushions to enjoy reading and sharing books, and having stories read to them by staff, Secondary pupils, and each other.

After break time, the children took part in a carousel of activities in mixed year groups, enjoying dramatising a story, making bookmarks, trying to find the missing titles of well-known book covers, and playing ‘misfits’, where they had to create new characters with different heads, torsos and legs. We had a lot of fun and the children really enjoyed working with others from different classes and ages.

After a leisurely lunchtime lounging under the tree with a good book, we arrived at the most exciting part of the day- it was time for the Interhouse Poetry Slam! Each House team, with its associated staff, disappeared off to their own room to prepare a poem to perform to the rest of the Primary school. They had just over an hour in which to organise themselves to learn it off by heart, add actions and movement, and embellish it with their own creativity.

We gathered in the assembly hall at 2:15pm in anticipation of an oratory feast! What a performance! Simba roused us with their polished performance of ‘Aliens Stole My Underpants’; Kifaru brought the house down with their rapping rendition of ‘Gran, can you rap?’; but it was Chui who stole the show with their brilliant performance- expertly accompanied with percussion instruments- of Spike Milligan’s nonsense poem, ‘On the Ning Nang Nong’. Our judges had a really tough decision to make because all the performances were superb- I’m glad that being part of Kifaru House exempted me from this unenviable task.

Thank you so much to all of the children and staff for their enthusiasm and commitment to making this such a great day; and enormous thanks to all the parents and families of Braeburn for your support and creativity in making amazing costumes and getting fully involved.

On a final note, thank you to all of those parents who have sent in photographs of their children reading in unusual places- I’ve had some hilarious ones! Please, if you haven’t already done so, get them sent to me this weekend.






Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence