Whats On: Week 7

5th June 2017

Monday 5th June

KS2 Coordinator’s assembly

Tuesday 6th June

PSF meeting at 8.30am

BCSK Biology inset at BKIS

Y6 Transition Day

U11 Boys Football vs AKAM (A)

U11 Girls Netball vs AKAM (A)

U13 Girls Football vs AKAM (A)

Wednesday 7th June

Yr 6 Transition Day

Year 6 parents transition meeting at 3pm

KS3 Coordinator assembly

Last AS level examination

Thursday 8th June

EYFS Baby Group 10.00am-12.00pm

Non-uniform day for Kesho

U13 Girls Netball vs MA/LA/AKAM (A at MA)

U16 Girls Netball vs GGA (H)

Friday 9th June

FS1 Assembly

World Environment and Ocean Day

Last IGCSE examination

Graduation Ceremony at 2pm

Leavers’ party at the Tamarind Dhow at 6pm

Saturday 10th June

DELF Junior at Alliance Française Nyali

EYFS Pool Social event 10.00am-12.00pm

U9&U11 Rugby tournament at BMIS

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence