KS2 News

4th April 2022

What a busy half term it has been in KS2, and across the school. Firstly, I am loving being back in the midst of the Braeburn family and thank you, all, for your warm welcome and kind words. We have enjoyed watching the transformation of the garden area outside the downstairs classrooms and are hoping for more rain soon, to continue ‘greening up’ the rest of the school grounds. The children across the whole of Primary have been sharpening up their snappy dressing, manners and behaviour- well done! Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and we are so proud of you all. Years 5 and 6 have been busy writing their applications for the job of Peer Mentor and we look forward to interviewing and announcing our successful candidates next term. Nominations for Year 6 Prefects and then Head girl and boy will follow after that, so make sure you step up into being those role models we have talked about, Year 6!

We are coming to the end of our topics this week; Year 3 have been sailing through their Vikings topic and writing myths and legends inspired by this nation. Year 3 have also come to the end of the tunnel in their science unit about Light- as have Year 6, taking it to the next level, learning about refraction and the visible colour spectrum. The Ancient Egyptians have ruled in Year 4, inspiring the writing of myths and legends, and then fairy tales. Let's hear it for the end of their Sound topic in science! In Year 5, Forces have ruled in science and the children have loved learning more about South America. Year 6 topics have included World War 2 and Fairtrade, and we have been enthralled and shocked by the unfolding tale of Macbeth. What a packed half term of learning opportunities it has been, along with our STEM Day, World Book Day, class trips, Science Week, productions and Swimming Gala, to name but a few. No wonder we are worn out and ready for a holiday! Have a fantastic break, get stuck into the reading challenge and we look forward to seeing you back, refreshed and smiling for our final term.

Ms Russell- KS2 Coordinator

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence