KS1 News

4th April 2022

It has been another outstanding term in Key Stage 1 and despite the buildup of heat, the work ethic of our children has remained strong and the quality of class work extremely pleasing. The feedback we received from the recently completed PASS survey, as well as student interviews conducted by CIS inspectors, indicates that our chilrdren overwhelmingly enjoy learning at BMIS. Additionally, our children have responded very well to recent reminders about avoiding certain areas during break times as well as ensuring they are dressed appropriately for school.

With events such as our Year 1-3 production, STEM Day, World Book Day, Science Week and the KS1 Swimming Gala adding to our already packed timetable, it certainly has been a term to remember! In class, Year 1 students have taken a trip back to prehistoric times to study Dinosaurs, while Year 2 studied a more recent historical era when they learnt about life in Mombasa 100 years ago. In Science, both KS1 classes learnt about the functions of plants and the critical roles that plants play in our lives. I have also been most impressed by the ‘filling of gaps’ in Maths thanks to the dedication our students have shown to their weekly Maths homework.

So, on behalf of the KS1 teachers I would like to congratulate our students on another superb term in Year 1 and 2 and thank you, our terrific parents, for all your support at home. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Mr Buckley - KS1 Coordinator

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence