KEY STAGE 3 Overview

10th January 2022

At BMIS we pride ourselves on our pastoral support and all our staff care about developing the ‘whole’ child. The Year 7, 8 and 9 are looked after by our outstanding Pastoral team which consists of the form tutors, the Key stage coordinator and the Deputy head teacher. The Form tutors are responsible for establishing a happy, secure and supportive relationship with the tutor group. The students in turn feel secure in having someone to whom they can look for support and guidance.

Since we are keen to reward positive behaviour, each term Key stage coordinator awards can be given to the deserving students. This could either be ‘the Summum Appeto Award’ or the ‘Progress award’. (details about this can be found in the ‘Handbook for Students and Parents’). Last term two students were awarded the Summun Appeto Award:

Zahra YusufAli and Anna Leon in Year 8. Well done!

This term we have lots of activities and events. This includes the usual assemblies which underpin Braeburn values and ethos. This term we will also incorporate ‘Cultural Capital’ in our assembly themes.The Year 9 group is the first to do their assembly in week 3. We will make sure to give you a glimpse of it in the newsletter. So what is Cultural Capital? This week Mme Mwangi introduced the topic to the secondary students and demonstrated her cultural capital to them. Have you ever stopped to think about what makes the person that you are? The personal items and assets that you own, the genres of books that you read, your fashion sense, the food that you like/dislike, etc.? You will realise that YOU, cut across the whole universe! You will realise that you do not only like things from your culture, but from all over the world. Now that is your cultural capital. That is what promotes your social mobility in a stratified society.

For the morning registration quizzes, this term we will focus on Music, Sports and ICT. The students seem happy and ready for term two and we are proud of all of them. They are already busy with their daily school routine and busying themselves at morning and lunchtime breaks with games and hobbies. Wishing everyone a productive term!

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Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence