Key Stage 2 Overview

10th January 2022

We’ve had a fantastic start to Term 2. The KS2 classrooms were buzzing with excitement on Wednesday morning; everyone was happy to be reunited with their classmates and enjoyed sharing tales from their Christmas holidays with each other.

In Year 3, the children are focussing on ‘Measurement’, ‘Shape’ and ‘Fractions’ in Maths.

In English, they are writing instructions and explanations, which will be followed by imaginary stories and poetry. For Science, the children are exploring the topic ‘Plants’; they will learn the names of different parts of plants and how water is transported to make them grow. Geography is bound to be explosive this term as the children learn about ‘Earthquakes and Volcanoes’.

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In Year 4, the children are looking forward to an exciting term full of fun and rich topics. They started discussing their fears and how to overcome them in their English lessons this week, and this will continue next week. Their focus text is Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears by Emily Gravett. In Science, they will be experimenting with ‘Electricity’ while they explore ‘Rainforests’ in Geography.

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In Year 5, the new class organisation has made the classroom very spacious; the children are enjoying sitting in groups again. In English, the children embarked on their Mystery writing journey this week. They have enjoyed using words and phrases that create suspense in their writing. In Science, they will be exploring ‘Living Things and their Habitats’; the children will examine different animal habitats as well as different life cycles. In Maths, the children worked really well in groups this week, using rounding to check answers to addition and subtraction calculations.

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In Year 6, the children are focusing on descriptive writing in English, in preparation for writing their own portal stories. Maths has kicked off with negative numbers and we will soon move on to the order of operations. In Science, we are exploring the human body, focusing on ‘The Circulatory System’. For History, we traveled back in time to learn about the events leading up to the Second World War; the children are eager to find out more about the years 1939-1945 in the upcoming weeks.

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Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence