Key Stage 1 (KS1) News

10th January 2022

We have made a wonderful start to Term 2 in Key Stage 1! It seems that our children used the break to ‘recharge their batteries’ because our classes are awash with enthusiasm, energy and great work ethics!


In Year 1,students will study several African stories with repetitive patterns and phrases, including ‘We’re Going on A Lion Hunt’ and ‘Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain’ before writing letters and postcards for different situations. In Maths, children will continue learning to count to and across 100, (forward and backward), and develop our understanding of how to add together one and two-digit numbers. In Science, children have already begun learning about different plant parts while in History we will be taking a journey back to prehistoric times to learn all about dinosaurs.


In Year 2, children will write newspaper reports before delving into the exciting world of fantasy stories. Later, children will read and write their own information texts about the Big 5, and practise their performance poetry. In Maths, children will apply what they know in different contexts, such as problem solving and reasoning and do some further work on money problems, especially when calculating change. In Science, children will continue learning about Habitats as well as studying plants, their parts and functions.


So as you can see, we have another terrific term planned in KS1 and I can’t wait to see what our children achieve in the months ahead!

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence