Humanities News - Y9

4th October 2021

Geography Year 9

How global am I?

I think I am quite global. I like to buy clothes from all over the world, most of my things are made in Korea or China. For example, my phone and laptop are made in South Korea and China. But my glasses are made in Kenya, and my backpack is made in Turkey. It is also interesting to mark the journey of some of the things we wear as many components of the final product are made in many countries around the world, then finally assembled in another country and shipped to another country. A truly global journey taking into account cost and labour factors around the world.


How global am I?

I think that I am a global citizen as I have a variety of clothes from different countries.

Most of my clothes are from the USA but we do holiday there frequently.

Some of my clothes are from Indonesia, like my shorts or my T-shirts are from China and Kenya.

I am however aware that I should try and support locally made products in Kenya.

Like my favourite cotton t-shirt is from Kenya as Kenyan cotton is one of the best and is exported globally.


How global am I?

Favourite food: Pizza (Italy)

Favourite music: Harry Potter sings a song (Aaron Fraser-Nash - England)

Favourite YouTuber: Denis (Canada/Russia)

Favourite Football player: Mohamed Salah (Comes from Egypt & plays for Liverpool F.C.)

Favourite Football team: Liverpool F.C. (England)

Favourite video game: Roblox (America)

Countries I have visited: UAE, England, Turkey, India, Ethiopia, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Scotland

Overall, I am fairly global, as I have visited 9 countries, I like a football player from Egypt, I support Liverpool as my favourite club even though I myself am Kenyan, I watch YouTubers from different nationalities, listen to songs made by British artists, play a video game made in America, and my favourite food comes from Italy.


How global am I?

I would say I am very global because I have friends in many countries although I am from Denmark and my things come from all around the world e.g. China, Bangladesh and Germany.  I have visited many places before like the U.S.A and Singapore. I found it fascinating to hear about my classmates' experiences around the world and how a pair of jeans which we all love to wear has travelled the globe before it comes to us in the shops. I learned about how location and costs of production play a large role in terms of human geography and settlement and employment trends. The big transnational companies such as Nike or Primark have had a huge impact on this.


How global am I?

I think I am pretty global as I have lived in 3 countries so far (England, Tanzania and Kenya) and I have visited over 28 countries. I also have friends in many places, for example Tanzania, England, Malaysia, the U.S., Australia, Kenya, Mauritius, etc. My own family however are from England. 

Most of my clothes are made in Bangladesh or China but surprisingly the majority of them are bought in the UK. Until looking at this topic of the effects of globalisation I did not pay attention to where things are made and assumed on the whole that clothes from big names such as Marks and Spencers, a British household name were made in England but that is definitely not the case.

My favourite book series, book, TV series, and movie were all made in the U.S. My favourite food (Pasta) was made in Italy. My favourite possession was made in China. My favourite author (Rick Riordan) is from the U.S.A.

My favourite songs/ musicians come from America, Australia, and Britain mostly. 

My phone is made in China, and my laptop is made in China and Mexico.

The things I own from Kenya are mostly handmade so they are definitely not mass produced and do not have as much global recognition, other than my glasses. The majority of my other things are either from the U.S. or China so they are definitely big global players in the export and import industry.


How global am I?

I think I am very global because of the many places I have been and the many countries I have visited. I know I am global because my clothes and belongings reflect that they have been made all around the world. I enjoyed discussing many issues surrounding sweatshops and how we must try and be ethical in our shopping habits as many global companies can exploit their cheap labour source.

My trousers are global because they are put together from different countries with a variety of materials and components and finally shipped to countries around the world making them a truly global product. When I go shopping for clothes I like to see where the products are from and ask these questions in my mind such as

have I been there? and if not can I imagine how that country would look like?


Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence