Braeburn Mombasa App

10th June 2021

Our mobile app is designed to keep you well informed about your child's education and life in general at BMIS. Parents will receive news directly on their phone along with key information, forthcoming events, term dates, fee structures, uniform, PSF, School menu and more. Parents who have registered their device will receive timely messages relevant to their child's year level, school newsletters, commonly used school contacts and access the absence reporting form.
Braeburn Alumni will receive alerts and will be able to access news and upcoming events. As well as an information source, we will also contact parents from time to time via alert messages carried by the app. These will appear on your phone's notifications screen with the BMIS logo next to them. You can filter the alert messages if you wish: go to the Settings page on the app and choose whether to receive all alerts or just those relevant to your child's class.

The App is free to download for both Android and IOS. The current version 3.4.1 is compatible with android version 6.0 or later and IOS version 12 or later.

Here are the links

Android -


Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence